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Cataloxy Denver...Companies in DenverEducation, Training & OrganizationsEducation and trainingCrèches and nursery schoolsChildren's Corner Learning Ctr.

Children's Corner Learning Ctr.

Childrens Corner Learning Center

Child Care Service Executives of Children's Corner Learning Ctr
Owner/Ceo, Stacie Gydie Business classifications
SIC (US 1987) : Like any new Mom, the thought of leaving my child was one I didn't want to face. However, the day came when the joy of maternity leave expired and it was time to return to work. After phoning no less than 50 centers around the Denver area, I lucked out and spoke with Lisa at CCLC. Instantly I felt like this was right. A tour of the center confirmed that feeling - safe atmosphere, engaging teachers, and lots of smiling parents and children. We have been at CCLC for more than seven months now and I can't imagine leaving the center when our career moves us elsewhere. Irony at its finest. My daughter loves her teachers, peers, and has blossomed there. Our family is forever grateful that we came to CCLC. A fantastic experience for us all!

Don't forget that the most detailed information about Children's Corner Learning Ctr. in Denver you can always get on the official web-site, in the company's office or by calling by phone

Established in: 2005

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 Address: 4780 Eliot St
80211, Denver, Colorado

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